Listening to community members and understanding their priorities is key to bringing the customer perspective. Let's Talk Power is the one-stop place to hear the latest from our engagement with our customers, stakeholders, community and partners to inform the next five years of investment.

Our 2027 – 2032 engagement program consists of a range of stakeholder consultations designed to listen and engage with our customers, stakeholders, partners and community. This will help inform and shape our plans for the future of electricity in Western Australia.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Stage 1

    • Stage 1 test tst
    • list
    • list 2
    • list 3

    Add some random copy

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Stage 2 test test

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Stage 3

    • Part 1
    • Part 2
    • Part 3

New name for Tab 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur quis sollicitudin leo. Mauris dapibus elementum dolor a volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean ut dignissim lorem. Duis fringilla luctus imperdiet. Donec a urna euismod, porta est vel, posuere quam. Vestibulum condimentum mi ut diam facilisis facilisis.

In semper posuere urna maximus aliquet. Cras porta dolor ut dui efficitur sodales. Donec quis imperdiet libero. Maecenas sit amet lacus a massa feugiat scelerisque. Morbi bibendum tellus sed leo rhoncus, sed dapibus neque auctor. Nulla sapien lorem, convallis at dictum hendrerit, faucibus sit amet arcu. Suspendisse vestibulum augue felis, at finibus nibh fermentum hendrerit. Donec efficitur, dui quis gravida rutrum, ligula mauris porta sem, vel euismod quam elit at eros. Donec lobortis vulputate metus sed lobortis. Aliquam consectetur pretium congue. Suspendisse rhoncus tellus blandit, vehicula lectus sit amet, ornare nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse ut dui a odio vulputate lacinia egestas fringilla velit.

Etiam eget imperdiet augue, luctus aliquet nibh. Sed venenatis cursus arcu, vulputate pellentesque quam tincidunt et. Fusce nec nisl nunc. Nam molestie ac diam quis tincidunt. Phasellus hendrerit elementum lacus eget malesuada. Nunc luctus mauris ligula, et blandit turpis vehicula sit amet. Curabitur elementum ante purus, quis auctor dolor porta ut. Donec dignissim dui porttitor nulla feugiat, non ultrices orci accumsan. Sed eu sapien egestas, dapibus sem sed, commodo leo. Praesent quis convallis risus. Phasellus a lorem id libero vehicula mattis. In condimentum malesuada risus a molestie.

Vestibulum tempor augue ullamcorper consectetur dignissim. Duis viverra volutpat nibh ut vehicula. Vivamus eget feugiat ex. Suspendisse auctor, nulla ac luctus malesuada, erat metus condimentum orci, sed eleifend nisl nulla vel libero. Nunc ligula nisl, bibendum vitae ligula ut, laoreet auctor dolor. Donec vel ex vulputate, varius enim non, euismod felis. Sed ut ante in elit maximus consectetur. Morbi posuere ac enim.

Additional information

Our stakeholder consultations

Customer Forums

A series of residential customer forums are intended to allow us to test and receive feedback on our investment decisions. These will be held in several regions around the network to capture a diverse range of views and discuss different issues that may require unique solutions.


What are our engagement channels?

  • Regional Roadshows

    Regional engagement will target specific regions and issues in smaller venues such as libraries, depots and town halls to allow both group and 1-on-1 conversations. These will focus on topics that are relevant to that area and discuss regional-specific solutions.

  • Major Customer Forum

    Quarterly forums with managed customers and major customers to discuss specific issues relevant to large users of the network.

  • Focus groups

    A series of targeted focus groups with certain groups or individuals from ‘quiet voices’ who may not be adequately represented elsewhere. These are intended to be held in both regional and urban centres, focusing on representation from: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse groups.

  • Targeted groups

    A set of targeted consultation groups with representation across residential and business customers, partners, local government authorities who meet regularly to test and challenge on a broad range of topics and issues.

Regional Roadshows

Regional engagement will target specific regions and issues in smaller venues such as libraries, depots and town halls to allow both group and 1-on-1 conversations. These will focus on topics that are relevant to that area and discuss regional-specific solutions

Major Customer Forum

Quarterly forums with managed customers and major customers to discuss specific issues relevant to large users of the network.

Focus groups

A series of targeted focus groups with certain groups or individuals from ‘quiet voices’ who may not be adequately represented elsewhere. These are intended to be held in both regional and urban centres, focusing on representation from: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse groups.

Targeted groups

A set of targeted consultation groups with representation across residential and business customers, partners, local government authorities who meet regularly to test and challenge on a broad range of topics and issues.